Me-Made-May ’12, Day 1!

I’m still working on the angle of the camera and the self-timer, so be prepared for a lot of ridiculous shots, like this:

Pardon the messy sewing space...

Top: Target Mossimo brand, bought aeons ago

Skirt: me-made from Lip Service fabric, New Look 6083 (out of print), blogged about here and the model for my sewn-on fly tutorial here.

Belt: Gap Outlet

Socks: Gold Toe crew in black

Shoes: Doc Martens 8-eye 1460 in greasy black

Now, I know Zoe said not to do any panic sewing, but it’s May and still barely warm enough for the above outfit. So I whipped up some pants:

Yay, pants!

These are from my favorite pattern, Butterick 5682, but in View A. I’ll give you my rundown when I model them.

Posted on May 1, 2012, in Me-Made-May '12. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Hey more house! šŸ˜‰

    I like the first outfit, looks edgy and practical all at the same time somehow. Lovely top stitching on the pants.

    • Thanks! That’s exactly how I aim to dress most of the time — edgy, yet practical.

      The top stitching gave me kittens. It looks fine from a distance, but I’m thinking of throwing out all my Gutermann topstitching thread just so I’m never tempted to use it again. The results are decidedly subpar, every time.

  2. Hey don’t throw it away, send it to me?! I need to be tempted to do top stitching. I really really do.

    PS like the whipped up pants ….am about to check them out in the later posts….

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